

Saturday, October 21, 2017

MORE Felt "Busy Bags"

So if you followed my previous post on felt busy bags (link here) you might have been asking, "I got 7 sheets of felt left...what do I do now?" I personally do not like having extra supplies of anything laying around, it makes me feel lazy and like I need to do something with them. 

1. Fish Game: My mom (like I said in the previous post) already did several busy bags for me. Had she not I would definitely do the fish game cut up fish with the felt, glue a paperclip in between, find magnet for rope and pencil - got yourself a pond with fish in it.

2. Build-able Racetrack: Another felt idea is to make roads that the kids can build. I had black felt and yellow felt so I took the black and cut up for curve pieces and several straight pieces so they can make a track Then I cut out tiny yellow pieces to put in the middle of the road pieces and hot glued them together (careful it's super hot and tricky because the yellow pieces are tiny!) I picked through the hundreds of Hot wheels my boys have for some flat race cars for them to race (plus the flatter the car, the easier they stay in the bag). And that bag is done!

3. Shape/Color Matching: I could not figure out what other projects I wanted to do. You can cut little pieces and have it make a picture but I thought that would be too many little pieces for the airplane and my youngest . I also wanted something both my 2 year old and my 5 year old could benefit from. So I decided to trace the same 5 shapes (triangle, rectangle, square, circle & star) on each leftover felt square. I cut them out and now I can teach both boys different things...For my youngest: same color & same shape. For my oldest: same as my youngest & same or different (put like a square and circle together and ask him are they the same color, are they the same shape, which one is bigger, which one is smaller, which one is taller, which one is shorter, etc= basic opposites). Both my boys enjoyed these felt pieces. They sorted them and stacked them. Perfect!

That project used up most of my extra felt! I kept the yellow so I could make more street pieces for that busy bag. So for under 15$ you have yourself 4 or 5 "Busy Bags" completed!

1. Felt Shapes

2. Felt Fishing Game

3. Felt Crazy Straw Beading

4. Felt Race Car Track

5. Felt Button Snake (I did not do this, below is the one my mom made me but I cut up more than enough felt for the Crazy Straws that I could have done this as well)

Happy Mommy-ing! 

To See The Mother Load of all the Busy Bags I have, Check out this post here

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