The definition of proximity is: nearness in space, time, or relationship. And the definition of best friend is: a person's closest friend. My mother has had the same best friend for decades now and I envy her. I have meant some really incredible ladies and it's been my privilege to call them my best friends. But it always happens for me, we move away from one another and slowly but surely the texts and conversations through social media start getting fewer and farther in between. That's not a bad thing mind you! It just means that they are busy having their lives wherever they are; even though I am no longer apart of it. I would never want them to be sitting around their houses, doing nothing just because I'm not around them. Heck no! I want them laughing, and loving life!
While most people, like my mom, are super lucky to have just 1 incredible best friend for decades, I've been pretty lucky in my own right because I've had 6 in my short life time.
As a kid, there were these 2 guys I did everything with from the age of 6 until we hit age 16. Our parents were all heavily involved in church so we were always together. One of them got married to another one of my best friends, a lady I knew in college for an amazing few years. Whenever we were lonely, missing our husbands whom were out of town working all the time, she was always there to make sweets and watch Disney movies with. The other guy got married and they are all living their lives happily. We grew up and grew apart, as it sometimes happens.
I also had a girl best friend from school during that time and we were always together from around 4th grade until high school. Now she's an awesome mom of 2, living a few states away from me.
In the most recent years I have meant 2 incredible ladies: 1 went to school with my younger sister and after connecting through Facebook, we end up being best friends for 5 years. Doing everything together and even living next door to one another! She was there when I had my youngest son and she watched our oldest while we were in the hospital. Any mom knows if you're allowed to watch someone else's kids, especially over night, that means they trust immensely! Her husband got a different job and that was that. She moved away and is working herself, making new friends and enjoying her life as a mommy to a sweet lil guy. I'm so happy that she's having a great life in her new area!

Now the last lady I had the incredible pleasure of calling my best friend was someone I knew less than a year. We met at a play-group for our younger kids and after a few times seeing and talking to each other a little, we clicked and became inseparable! We ended up teaching together twice a week and although play-group was only 2 hours (set up, teaching, and clean up) we often stayed hours after just talking about anything and everything in the parking lot! We just couldn't stop talking! We were like peas in a pod, or like peanut butter and jelly... when you saw one of us, you saw the other too. She made me believe I wasn't failing in my mommy journey, since there's a million parenting books out there but nothing truly works because as soon as you feel like you're getting ahead...the kids switch up the game on you. She was older than me with 2 sons around the same ages as mine so bouncing ideas off her really helped me and she never made me feel judged. When my husband was away on business and I had an abscessed tooth, she was there to watch my kids while I went to the dentist to get it looked at. And sadly when we found out we were moving due to my husband's work, she got together all the ladies from play-group and organized a going away party for me. And she also made car packs for me and my boys for our road trip to our new house. It's very hard saying goodbye and it's hard not seeing her everyday but I am grateful for the time we had together.

I'm not bitter about not talking to these special people any more. Of course I miss them but I have my wonderful memories with them and the universe took us apart for a reason. So far in my new area I have met a wonderful lady with 2 boys around the age of my oldest and she just happens to be my neighbor! With each friendship, I learn from them about life, mommy-hood, marriage and about myself. I am very blessed by all the people that have been so special and dear to my heart. I am looking forward to the future friendships and hope these people know how very special they were/are to me.