My husband and I went through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace workshop a few years ago and we were cruising along just great until we decided to get a second car and started living above our means. So my husband said unless I didn't want to drive home for Christmas (Fat Chance!) then I needed to go out and rejoin the work force. I was upset because I was perfectly happy being at home with my son all day. I was filling out job applications online when my husband told me he might be deploying again. That raises his income and I wouldn't have to get a job! We were very happy, for about 2 days when the whole deployment was called off. A few of my friends were babysitting other people's kids and I decided to give it a shot and applied for some. One lady didn't want me bringing along my son because she worked from home and needed quiet. Another one was for a grade-school child and an elderly lady. Then there was one that no one had responded to, a job 3pm to also midnight with three kids. Sounded long but promising. I got it and I love it! The kids are great and the mom is so sweet!
Lesson Learned: Go for it, even if you have some doubts! Try it down anyways!